BSI Quality Management System certificate or registration

// We Operate to BSI ISO 9001:2015

First Off Inspection is performed on all components along with the mid and final inspections. Sampling and SPC are all part of the service.

We have rigorous inspection and approval procedure for all parts manufactured prior to delivery.

Our on-site inspection equipment includes a Mitutoyo coordinate measuring machine and a Mitutoyo shadowgraph, also a vast amount of quality measuring equipment and gauges.

At Redline we take pride in the high quality of our service. We hold customer approvals with many high-end companies and are always happy to be audited. We offer comprehensive inspection reports in addition to material certification if required.

BSI quality management badge

// BSI Certification

This demonstrates to our customers, competitors, suppliers and staff that we are committed to being the best we can be. Helping our business to run effectively and efficiently with better overall performance.

BSI have been accredited by accreditation bodies such as UKAS and ANAB and widely regarded as one of the best.